FTP Account Information and Initial Setup
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

FTP Account Information and Initial Setup

Upon purchasing a hosting plan, one of the initial tasks is to move your website onto the Sitelutions servers. To do so, you may wish to use FTP as the method of moving your Files.

In order to FTP into your account, you first need to configure your Sitelutions Space account (if you have not already done so). To do this, simply to go the Sitelutions Space Control Center and click the "NOT CONFIGURED" link.

Once your account has been configured, simply click the large "Account Info & Help" button in the Sitelutions Space Control Center. This button will provide you with all of the necessary information you need to FTP into your account. It will also provide you with links to our flash tutorials which show you exactly how to connect via FTP.

If you would like to provide an additional login, or manage your existing logins for FTP access you can go into your Sitelutions cPanel and click on FTP Accounts.


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