If you are trying to run a web server but your ISP is blocking port 80 (web connections run over port 80), users will not be able to connect to your site.
Good news! You can use Sitelutions to help you run a web server anyway!
First, find a port that your ISP allows connections to. Typically port 8080 will work. Try this by having a friend on another internet connection access your IP address like so: http://123.45.789.10:8080/. If the friend is able to get through and see your site, everything is good.
Next you will need to add a "secondary" hostname which you will update via one of our Dynamic DNS Update Clients. You can use "www2.yourdomain.com." Go to the URL & DNS Control Center to add this. Then add an A record for this domain pointing to your IP (see http://www.sitelutions.com/myip to retrieve it). Next, get the ID of this A record by clicking "Advanced Config," finding the A record, and clicking the "DynDNS" or "Dynamic DNS" link next to it.
Once you have the ID, configure your update client with it and make sure all is working.
Then, using the DNS Wizard, set www.yourdomain.com and "root domain" (yourdomain.com) to redirect to http://www2.yourdomain.com:8080/.
It is that simple. If you follow these instructions carefully, it should work well for you!