Enabling SSL (Secure / https) Connections for your Site
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

SSL enables secure (encrypted connections) to your site.  This would technically allow you to accept sensitive data (though SSL does not handle encryption of data or management of data after you receive it -- you must use a shopping cart or custom solution for that).


If you wish to use shared SSL, we offer that for free.  Your site would be accessible via https://servername.sitelutions.com/~username/.  If you require your domains to be accessed at a URL like https://www.domainname.com/, you'll need an SSL certificate. 

SSL for individual domain names (not the free, shared option) requires a unique certificate and IP address for each site that you are hosting.  SSL certificates issued for a given domain name cannot be used for subdomains or any other domain.  If a certificate is issued for www.domain.com, it cannot be used for "server2.domain.com." 


We currently provide discounted SSL certificates -- please contact us for details and current pricing (we are extremely competitive).  If you purchase the certificate through us, installation to your hosting account is free.  If you purchase elsewhere, there is a $25 SSL installation fee.


Because of the nature of how SSL works, you will also be required to have a unique IP address for your site.  This will incur an additional $5/month fee.  Because each site requiring SSL requires a unique IP, and because each hosting account cannot have more than IP associated with it, you will need a separate hosting account if you wish to host multiple domains that are using SSL.  These hosting accounts can all be purchased under your main Sitelutions login / account.

If you would like to get setup with this, just contact us and let us know. 



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