When I go to my domain name, I get a Sitelutions page.
Posted by Niel B on 16 December 2015 03:11 PM

Domain Parking and Default CNAME Properties

When you add a domain, Your CNAME record in your DNS is set to "domainpark.sitelutions.com" by default to park your domain to Sitelutions.

This is a feature to keep your domain name's website available and displaying a clean web page created by us instead of an giving an error while you develop your own web page.

In order to stop your domain from pointing to Sitelutions, go to the URL & DNS Control Center, go to Advanced Configuration for the given hostname or [root domain], and remove this CNAME record. 

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Help Desk Software by Kayako Resolve
ERROR: This domain name does not match domain registered in the license key file (forum.sitelutions.com), allowed domains: support.sitelutions.com, please change the product path to match the domain under Admin CP > Settings > General Settings
This product will not work properly unless untill that value is changed.

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